evening tea

Behind the Scenes: Moon Teas

Do you pay attention to the moon cycles?

Are you interested in making relaxing teas for yourself?

moon tea

One of the things I do is pay attention to the moon cycles. If you have not tried it, it is simple to get started. Start paying attention to the new moon and the full moon. Each phase of the moon has its own qualities yet I find the new and full moons have a particular pull for me. Tomorrow is the new moon and a great time to start.

In fact the new (or dark) moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle. It is the time when things turn inward and begin to germinate. A great time to dream and plan new projects happens at this phase. Many women menstruate at this time too. The new moon is about slowing down, gathering energy, and renewing focus. I generally focus on self-care and keeping my calendar as light as possible during the new moon.

The full moon is the opposite. It is a time of high energy, of action, and seeing things come to fruition. This is a great time to be taking steps to implement your new projects dreamed of during the new moon. It is about using the energy you gathered at the dark moon and directing it to create something new or to accomplish your goals.

The energy of each moon is strong the day before, the day of, and the day after. Making moon teas are a great way to take in the energy of each moon. Once you create your moon tea, enjoy a cup of it each evening. It is best taken cold or at room temperature but not heated. The energy of the moon is a cooler energy than the sun.

I generally do not enjoy rose beverages but in this combination it is delicate and subtle. Rose is a feminine herb, making it great for moon teas and getting in touch with the yin aspects of the moon. Dandelion cleanses the liver and kidneys. I am using it here as a release of the old in terms of the new moon energy. Be sure to drink this early in the evening as Dandelion is a diuretic. Cinnamon brings a little warmth and spice to the blend. I find it to be a grounding herb for myself and hope you will enjoy its benefits here.

As traditionally used in herbal recipes, my measurements are in parts. This allows you to measure the herbs as you are comfortable, whether that is ounces, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, etc, and keeping with the ratios. The measurement you choose needs to remain consistent throughout.


Melissa’s Moon Tea Recipe

Moon Tea Herbs


1 part dried Dandelion leaf

1 part Cinnamon chips

½ part dried Rose (petals or small flower buds)




  • Gather a quart size mason jar with lid.
  • Place about an ounce of the herb blend into the jar.
  • Fill jar with filtered or spring water.
  • Cover and place outside or on a windowsill overnight in an area that receives moon light.
  • Strain herbs and place tea in a new jar. Refrigerate until ready to drink. Drink within a couple of days.