
Musings on Sleep (+ the Three Herbs I am Using Right Now)

Musings on Sleep (+ the Three Herbs I am Using Right Now)

I have been thinking about sleep a lot lately. Thinking about it, not necessarily getting it. 😊

With a newborn, cuddles, feedings, and diaper changes are the norm along with small bits of sleep. While that is my current experience with the dance of sleep and wakefulness, I understand and empathize with those who are finding sleep evading them for other reasons. A health condition that has made sleep rather elusive for years, current worries surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic dominating the news and perhaps our daily lives. Worries about a loved ones’ health, financial worries, mental health worries. There’s a lot to take in right now.

Some of the herbs I have been turning to the most are the ones that are perfect for aiding in relaxation and sleep. After each of my little moments I feel more rested and can sit in a place of calm and action rather than reaction. That’s a place I hope for all of us to experience each day, even if just for a few minutes.

3 Habits for a Better Night’s Sleep

A common complaint is not sleeping. Whether that is not sleeping, not sleeping well or not feeling rested upon waking. There are many habits to incorporate daily to help you sleep better. Here are three habits we enjoy.

1.       Enjoy our Lavender Mint Dream tisane.

The three herbs in our Lavender Mint Dream tisane are all known for encouraging relaxation and can help support better sleep. Enjoy a cup in the evening or make a bath “tea” (placing Lavender Mint Dream in a large reusable tea bag in the tub as you run water over it and enjoy the aroma while you soak).

2.       Settle in with a good book and low lighting.

Dimming the lights help your body slow down and get ready for sleep. Reading an actual book rather than an electronic one also helps by removing the glare of the electronic screen. Research has shown that electronics encourage wakefulness at night and can disrupt your body’s production of melatonin.(1) We also like how curling up with a good book just feels good too.

3.       Have a consistent bedtime.

This one can be one of the hardest habits to implement. It is not always possible to have the exact same bedtime each night. Yet our experience is that we feel better keeping a regular bedtime.

